We were blessed to be able to travel to my hometown this past weekend for the wedding of my youngest brother. It was a good trip, despite how tired I was when we got home. Who knew that traveling by yourself with a toddler was so incredibly hard?? It started out well. I felt like Super Woman and the carseat felt light. That is until I got to our layover in Minneapolis. The seat somehow started getting heavier. And by the time we got to DC that seat was ridiculously heavy! Oh well--we made it!
One of Kai's favorite things about his grandparents' house is the fact that they have pets. His personal favorite is Lola (the black cat), but unfortunately Lola isn't exactly fond of him. She graciously puts up with him! Kai spent the weekend shouting "LOLA!" and running through the house playing chase. It made us all laugh as Lola tried her best to escape.
Thursday night we had a big dinner at Olive Garden and it was fun to see all of the family gathered together for the wedding. On Friday, Amy, her mother, and several friends spent the whole day decorating the cultural hall. Kai and I went to help for a couple of hours, but had to leave for lunch. Finally, the big day was Saturday.
I was excited to attend the temple sealing, and was very happy that Kai spent the time with his Aunt Wendy. They both took naps in the car! After the sealing, there were pictures taken on the temple grounds and then we headed out for lunch. We being all of our family, except Joseph. It was fun to get together at a family favorite, Casa Chimayo. After our lunch, we got a bit of a rest and then headed to the reception. Amy's family did a great job decorating. It was absolutely beautiful and the program was also wonderful. We had a good time. Kai enjoyed breaking free from mom and running to grandma in the receiving line. She loved that! And the bubbles at the end provided some fun entertainment for Kai. Most importantly though, the new couple seemed especially happy!
Congratulations Joseph and Amy!