Monday, January 25, 2010

30 Years!

On Saturday, I celebrated my 30th birthday.  It was so nice to spend the day with my boys and just enjoy our time together.  Reid had some flowers and a cake for me, as well as some chocolates and jewelry.  What more could I ask for!  For lunch, Reid grabbed some subs for us from Subway and then we did the traditional birthday cake thing.  After cake, Kai took a nap, and we got ready to go to Denver for the night's gymnastics meet with BYU.  On the way to Denver we stopped at Elephant Bar for dinner and then we were off to the meet.  I'll admit that the meet was a bit of a disaster for the kids, but at least now I know.  Poor Finn was so tired and couldn't sleep because it was so loud.  And Kai got bored after about 20 minutes.  But at the beginning, he LOVED it!  At the end of the meet, we got to go down on the floor and say hello to my old coaches, and that was the highlight for me.  We ended up back home around 9:30 and the boys were exhausted.  By the time we got everyone to bed, it was bedtime for us, too.  But it was a very happy birthday!

Birthday cake--Reid grouped 24 candles together,
to represent our 24 years apart, and then 6 candles
along the bottom for 6 years together.  It made a HUGE flame!

Playing with some of the features of my camera.  Look at my cute boys!

The middle of the meet.  Thank goodness for lollipops!

The end of the meet.  So sweet!

Me at the meet!

Finn's Birth Story

I've been wanting to write down Finn's birth story for, oh, 14 weeks now. I know it's late, and I know that some of you don't like details like this, but you don't have to read it. I, however, have to write it.

According to Reid, the story starts on the night before, the 16th of October. It was around 6:30 or so that we got a call from Reid's sister, Kristi, letting us know that their baby boy had just arrived. Even though her due date was the day after ours, we knew that their baby would come first as she has never actually made it to a due date. But knowing that her baby was here was definitely an eye-opener for me. It hit me that we were next. So crazy! Reid did ask me that night when I thought the baby would come and I said I didn't know. I had a strong feeling that we weren't going to make it through the next week, but I didn't want to voice that feeling because I really didn't feel ready and thought that if I didn't say anything, it wouldn't happen.

That night was Kai's first night in his big boy room and Reid had promised him a campout. So, Reid went to sleep on the floor in the room with Kai and I was in our room all alone. Right around midnight, my cell phone rang. My first thought was to let it go, then I realized it was in the kitchen and I was afraid the boys would hear it in Kai's room and it would wake him up. I didn't want Reid to have to worry about that, so I ran into the kitchen to silence the phone. It was a wrong number by the way.  That's when I first felt a very strong contraction. I went back to bed and laid down. The next time I looked at the clock was 1am and it still felt like I was having the same strong contraction. I know I wasn't, and that I must have fallen asleep, but it worried me. So, I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. That'll make everything go away, right?

The next time I looked at the clock it was 5:30am.  And there was another one.  And another.  I decided I should time them.  Every 4 minutes, practically on the dot.  So, I decided to do something else to stop them, as sleeping obviously wasn't working.  According to Dr. Bradley, eating, sleeping, drinking, moving, showering....all of those should stop Braxton-Hicks.  So I opted for a big glass of water.  10 minutes later, nothing had changed.  Then it was on to the bowl of cereal.  Still no change.  Time to pull out the big guns, I thought, and headed for the shower.  It was about 6:30 or so at that point.

Once in the shower, I realized that the contractions weren't going away, and I cried.  Yes, I'll admit it.  I cried.  I had plans for the day and having a baby wasn't on the schedule.  And I didn't want to leave Kai with anyone.  And my midwife was out of town. So, yes, I cried.  When I was done, I got out of the shower and dressed.  It was after 7am, so I went to find Reid.  Thankfully he was up and watching TV with Kai.  I gently hinted that he needed to shower and get ready as we were probably going to be making a trip to the hospital soon. At about 7:30am, he was ready.  Now, we had to find someone to take Kai.

The first call I made, didn't work out.  Then I called a friend who had given me her cell number just for this emergency.  Her cell phone was off.  Dang...I didn't know who else to call.  I took a break and started packing a bag for Kai.  (He was supposed to be staying home with my mom, but mom wasn't coming for another week.)  Then I made a call to the OB's office.  After she called me back and told me to come in, I got serious about the babysitter hunt again. This time, my friend's cell phone was on....and she was available.  Hallelujah!!  I sent Reid and Kai out the door (it was 8:30am at this point) and stayed home trying my best to relax.

Reid returned to the house at 9am and after some running around to grab all of our essentials, we were out the door.  The ride to the hospital was not fun.  Sitting down was definitely not on my list of comfortable positions. We arrived at the hospital at 9:30am and got checked in.  They hooked me up to the contraction monitor and said that they were about 2 minutes apart at the point (I hadn't timed them in hours, so I didn't know) and I was dilated to almost a 7.  Wahoo--entering transition.  The nurse asked me, "So, you want to stay and have a baby?"  My initial thought was, "No, what's my other option?", but she never gave me time to answer.  At that point, I gave Reid the go ahead to ask for my epidural.  Without my midwife and with me as stressed out as could be, I had no intention of sticking to my birth plan.  In fact, I almost threw it out the window on the freeway.  I did go to the bathroom and see the large, beautiful tub and for almost a minute considered getting in.  I knew it would feel so good, but I also knew that there was no way I could get an epidural in there, and so when the next contraction hit, the tub idea flew out the window, too.

What they don't tell you is that to get an epidural you need to have a whole bag of fluids through your iv first.  That took almost an hour!!  Uhhhh... hello, way too long.  I finally got my epidural at 10:30am.  At that point the doctor came in and decided to check to see where we were at.  I was dilated to a 9, but my water still hadn't broken.  So, she broke my water and then told me to let her know when I thought it was time to push.  I was concerned that with the epidural I wouldn't be able to tell them, but that epidural was fabulous.  I could feel my legs and everything the whole time, just without pain.

At 11:30am, we grabbed the nurses and told them I thought it was time.  The checked and Finn was still pretty high up.  The asked me to give a practice push, and then asked me to stop.  They told me I was an excellent pusher and that they thought they should get the doctor.  The doctor came in, noted that Finn was still high, and asked me to push.  Once again, they asked me to stop.  They got all scrubbed up and then we got down to business.  Finn was born at 11:58am!  I was so happy with how it all went and how I was able to feel everything, except the pain.  It made pushing so easy and such a neat experience.

Finn got an 8 and then a 9 on his Apgars.  The pediatric nurse thought that he looked a little pale, but then she looked at me and thought I looked pale too, so she let it go.  They knew that he had swallowed meconium, as they got a bunch out of his stomach. So, she left me with an aspirator and told to suck out his mouth when it sounded like he needed it.  There were a couple of times that I told my nurse that it sounded like he was struggling to breathe and that I needed help suctioning him but she said he sounded fine.  After an hour, the pediatric nurse came back and felt that she should measure his oxygen levels.  Wouldn't you know, they were low. So, the doctor was called in and it was decided that he needed to be in the NICU to get oxygen, until he was able to maintain decent levels on his own. And so off he went.  Thankfully, he came back 24 hours later an oxygenated baby.  :)

As every birth is, Finn's birth was a fabulous experience and one that I'll treasure forever.  The only negative for me were my nurses.  But that's another story.  Reid says it was my competitive nature that brought Finn here less than 24 hours after his cousin.  I think it might have had something to do with running for a wrong number in the middle of the night.  But maybe Finn will tell you that he was just ready to come meet his family.  Whatever the reason, we're sure happy to have him here!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Look What Finn learned to do today!

Seriously, yesterday tummy time consisted on laying on a blankie with his head down and snuggled in.  Today he figured out that there's a world to see, even from his tummy!  We were very excited!

Quote of the day:  When brought to his daddy in priesthood opening exercises for a diaper change, Kai realized what was going on and said loud enough to be heard by all, "I don't want a diaper change.  I want to be stinky!"  Good thing they all thought it was funny!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Toy Station

One of our favorite stores is a toy store by the name of "Toy Station".  I love that they have toys set up throughout the store for the kids to play with, and I love the high quality toys.  I just can never quite swallow the prices, so we actually don't ever do much shopping there.  We just play.  Yesterday morning I took Kai to the store as a reward for good behavior.  They had recently remodeled and built a castle and large tree in the store.  Too much fun!  After about an hour at the store, we headed to Chick Fil-A for lunch.  It was a good day, even with Finn crying a good portion of the time.  I was very grateful for the friendly employee at Chick Fil-A who took care of everything for us!


Despite bouts with jealousy, Kai really does love Finn. He ooohs and aaahs over him and tells me just how cute Finn is.  It is adorable.  But what I find even sweeter is Kai's ability to calm Finn down.  One morning this week, Finn was pretty much inconsolable.  Probably tired and hungry and I was holding off on feeding him and putting him down for a few reasons.  I laid Finn down to tend to something else real quick and before I knew the crying had stopped.  I found Kai laying next to Finn and holding his hand.  How sweet!  And in general, if the hand-holding doesn't work, Kai will start to sing.  And somehow, it almost always works.  Thank goodness for big brothers!

Another thing that Kai LOVES doing is picking out Finn's clothes.  This is how Kai insisted Finn needed to be dressed yesterday.  Can anyone spot the theme?  I thought it was sweet that Kai put the bib on Finn.  It's a bib that Kai considers "his" and so I hadn't even put it in Finn's room.  But Kai ran to his closet, pulled it out, and put it on him.  Once again, so sweet!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What happens when you give a 2 year-old a camera

Random pictures of least I was showered and dressed, can't say much else good though

Random pictures of objects.  I was impressed by his choice of objects and the fact that the picture is centered.  Random luck!

And my personal favorite--yes, that is Kai!

Friday January 15, 2010

Painting--we did a fair amount of that this week.....
as well as playdough, baking cookies, etc.  We didn't
leave the house but once all week long.  It was a LONG week!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thursday Juanuary 14, 2010

Finn at nearly 3 months in the Bumbo for the first time

Kai at 2 and a half months in the Bumbo for the first time

Kai at 2 and a half YEARS in the Bumbo

Just thought I'd give you some perspective on how small Finn really is!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


So, I've really been slacking this week.  I've only taken pictures on two days--and really only one.  The picture I meant to take on Sunday wasn't taken until Monday.  But I did plan on it for Sunday.  That means Monday was the last day I took a picture.  Agghhh!  Time to get back on the bandwagon.  This is my official re-commitment to my resolution.  (I wonder how many times this year I'm going to have to recommit to this?  :P)

So, here's "Sunday's" picture!!

Aren't these the cutest little signs?!
Thank you so much Carlene!!

I have the BEST picture from Monday, but I have to try to get it off of my cell phone.  Until then, enjoy and I'm off to take some more pictures!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Weekly Update

As much fun as the daily pictures are, I know that they don't present a complete picture of how we are doing.  So I thought it was time for a quick weekly update.  Let's see how quick it is!

Finn:  Finn had his monthly pulmonologist visit this week and overall they're very happy with how he's doing.  One goal that the clinic has for their patients is to be in the 50th percentile for height versus length.  This is not your typical percentiles at the pediatrician but rather one that accounts for height genetics.  Since our kids are smaller, they don't have to weigh as much as a kid in the 50th weight percentile, but rather they need to weigh as much as half the kids that are their same height.  I don't know if that makes sense, but I don't know how else to explain it.  Last month, Finn was in the 56th percentile for height versus length.  This month he was only in the 11th percentile.  The nutritionist attributed this to a growth spurt--he grew 2 inches in four weeks.  His weight gain was still right on track, but now that he's taller he needs to weigh more.  We up-ed his meds so that he can absorb more food and not lose as much fat as he was losing (evidenced in his diapers) and hopefullly he'll be back up in the 50s again soon.

Other than that, it's been almost two weeks since we moved Finn out of our room and into the nursery.  I remember this being a difficult transition for Kai.  He loved his co-sleeper and did not want to sleep in the crib at all.  For Finn, it has been a very different story.  He seems to enjoy his crib much better and for the most part sleeps better there.  He still has his nights, but I have to say I've been quite pleased with his night time habits.  However, his day time naps really leave something to be desired.  He had been napping in his carseat, but lately that hasn't worked as well.  I've tried the crib, but that hasn't been doing the trick either.  So, we're taking each nap as it comes.  Sometimes he's in the car seat, sometimes the crib, and sometimes the swing.  He's been taking one good long nap every day (over 2 hours) and a couple of one hour naps.  It's not enough, but I'm not sure how else to help him when I have Kai, too.

Kai:   Speaking of Kai, man has he been a stinker lately.  His behavior is getting more and more out of hand and I have had to really offer prayers for patience and understanding.  I think that a lot of it is stemming from a desire for more attention and so I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle that need.  He's definitely getting a lot of negative attention right now, though, by fighting nap and bed time.  Tonight, for example, I spent over an hour getting him to bed.  Have you ever seen Supernanny do the bedtime routine?  Have you seen the parents that walk their children back to bed over and over again, to the point where they have a counter and a timer at the bottom of the screen???  That was me tonight.  It went on for about one hour and fifteen minutes and we must have made nearly 60 trips back to the bedroom.  Uggghhh!!  But he's in bed.  I sure hope I don't have to do this every night.  I was really worried about all of the door shutting waking Finn up.  But he seems to have slept through the whole ordeal.

That brings us to me:  Since we moved Finn to the nursery, I have been sleeping on a mattress on the floor in the nursery.  I'm worried that prolonged crying at night could lead to Finn waking up Kai.  As previously noted, getting Kai to bed is not easy and I really don't want us to have to deal with that in the middle of the night, too.  So, I camp out on the floor hoping to minimize the crying and get bottles ready as quickly as possible.  Which leads to the question of nursing, and yes, I have given up on that ideal for this baby.  Over Christmas, I made a decision to drop nursing and pumping and go exclusively to formulas and bottles.  Finn hadn't nursed in over a month by that point and wasn't interested when I tried.  He also had started to reject the breastmilk in the bottles in favor of formula.  For all of the effort and stress that went into getting the breastmilk, I wasn't happy with that reaction.  I have found that switching to formula has relieved a great deal of my stress and freed up some time for me to spend with Kai.  It also helps us to know how much Finn is eating and when he needs an adjustment to medication.  So, while I struggled with the decision, this decision was definitely one that I felt was right for our family at this time.

For now, that's our update.  Of course, there's still Reid, but he'll have to give you his update.  If he wants.  :P  He has been a great help to me and wonderful husband.  I think I would officially have to be put in an asylum if it weren't for him.  So, thank you hon!!

Hope you're all enjoying the pictures and I'll try to throw in some updates every now and then.

January 9, 2010

Quote of the day:  Daddy:  "Kai, you need to remember the word share."
                             Kai:  "NO!  I remember the word "Do it all by myself!"

January 8, 2010

January 7, 2010

 Our toy room.  Enough said!

Quote of the day:  Kai:  "Momma, you're my best friend in the whole world."
                               Me:  "Really Kai?  I'm you're best friend?
                            Kai:  "Everyone is!"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 6, 2010

That grocery shopping from yesterday became a high priority today.  So much so that after Reid left the house at 8:45, I managed to shower, dress, and get the kids dressed and into the car by 9:30.  I think that in itself deserves some credit!!  Finn cooperated and took a nap in the car seat while we shopped at Wal-Mart.  That was a huge relief as he has recently decided that stores and car seats are not ideal locations for napping.  Thanks for being cooperative today Finn!  We breezed through the store as quickly as possible, trying to beat the snow that was threatening.  By the time we came out, it had just begun to fall.  Kai was also quite good at the store.  He watched an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on my phone (yay! for our new unlimited data plan) while riding in the cart for most of the shopping.  At the end, we sat at the pharmacy counter for 20 minutes waiting for Finn's prescription and he was so good that another shopper/waiter complimented me on his behavior.  Wow!  And the best part came right at the end, when a different shopper/waiter let Kai rub her 9-week old toy poodle that was in her purse.  Too fun!

Quote of the day:  "Umm....something's wrong with my phone.  It's not working."

"My phone"=Angie's old cell phone that has been disconected.  So, who wants to tell him?  Not me!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

January 5, 2010

Today was a stay-in-the-house kind of day.  Not that I didn't need to go grocery shopping, but more because I was tired (it was a long night with Finn) and Kai didn't want to go out.  So, I didn't argue with him.  Instead we did loads of laundry and dishes, and found some playtime, too.  I have a few pictures from the day.  Enjoy!
Typical breakfast scene--bagel and TV

Finn helping with the laundry

A beautiful sunset....the picture doesn't do it justice.

Quote of the day:  While holding a conch shell and "listening to the ocean", "Let's turn this off.  It's out of batteries."

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4, 2010

Finn's weight at today's CF clinic visit.

I must admit that I'm a bit disappointed.  His weight gain has seemed to slow down a bit in the last two weeks.  So, we've adjusted his medications and hopefully he'll be plumping up again in no time.  The nutritionist was still very happy, though, as he appears to have hit a growth spurt, growing two whole inches since his last visit 4 weeks ago.

Quote of the day:  "I want to step on Finn, and squash him, and then he will be dead."
~A cranky Kai this morning who wanted our attention.  Is it wrong to admit that Reid and I secretly chuckled at this.  We did tell him very sternly that it was not nice, though.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2010

Relaxing with Daddy on a Sunday afternoon.  Yay for 9am church!!

Quote of the day:  When asked to get his church clothes on Kai replied, "No, that's NOT a good idea!"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2, 2010

Our gaggle of geese


"I want to go out there and pick-up one and say, "I love you geese!" ~Kai

Another fun quote of the day--While handing Reid the number 1,
"My daddy, you're number 1!"

January 1, 2010

Kai helped mommy take down Christmas decorations.  About 10 minutes into the process, he realized what was happening.  Through sobs he asked, "You want to put this back up there [referring to the stocking he's holding] and see if maybe Santa will come again?"


Last year was the first year in a while that I actually made some resolutions for myself, and they actually worked out fairly well.  So I decided, why not try again. The two resolutions that I feel are share-worthy are to improve both boys sleeping habits (Not too hard for Fin, it can only get better, right??) and to do a sort of year-in-pictures.

For the sleeping part, we have decided to no longer lay down with Kai when it's nap time or bedtime.  He is big enough to go to sleep on his own.  For nap time, if he does not want to sleep, I have decided I can no longer stress over it.  But he will have to do quiet time in his room for a while.  So, he can sleep or play quietly, but I need my time.  As for Finn, well, we will eventually have to do sleep training, but for now, we're not changing anything.  However, Finn must have heard about my resolutions as last night he went to bed at 8pm, ate at 12:30am, and 4:15am, and didn't wake up until 8am.  WOW!!  Kai is also doing well.  Yesterday he took a nap all by himself, and appears to be doing the same today.  Last night he went to bed around 7:30pm and didn't come out of his room until 7am.  If these boys keep it up, Reid and I might actually start feeling rested again!

Now, for the year-in-photos.  My goal is take at least one picture a day, and post as many of them as I can.  Obviously, I will not be able to post a new picture every day, but I will do my best to share our life in pictures as much as possible.  So to start the new year off right, here are pictures from our first two days.  Hope you enjoy!!