Friday, August 24, 2007

The Beginning!!

Not that I don't have anything to do while I'm sitting at home (more that I just really dislike cleaning :P) I thought creating and (hopefully) maintaining this blog would be a good way for our family to keep our friends and extended family up-to-date on all of the adventures which we are currently embarking on......raising a baby (or is he raising us??), moving across country, and buying our first home together. So much is going on and while we are moving closer to some friends and family, we are leaving others behind. In an effort to keep us all connected and to make me feel just a little bit better about taking Kai away from his grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncle, I introduce Reid and Angie's Page. (Yes, creative and ingenious title I know, but I never was really the creative one.) Enjoy!!

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