Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chicago 2009: Day 6

Thursday September 10: We got moving early this morning, as we had planned the previous evening to head to Brookfield Zoo. The drive in wasn't too bad, just a bit of traffic, and we arrived at the zoo right about the time they opened. We opted for the all-in-one pass so that we could decide what we wanted to do as the day progressed. Kai started out the day very much not wanting to enter the exhibit buildings, which were kept slightly dark. But after some prodding, he enjoyed discovering the animals inside. He particularly seemed to enjoy the seals and the penguins. And he asked all day to go see the giraffes, which we did almost last. If you ask Kai about the zoo, he'll tell you that he had fun, but then he'll follow that up with "I no like dinosaurs!" There was a temporary exhibit there called "Dinosaurs Alive" and while it started out ok for him, he quickly became overwhelmed by the large animatronic dinosaurs that roared around every corner. We ended up walking quickly to the exit!

One of our favorite exhibits was the butterflies. It was so beautiful to see them flying right around you. And there were LOTS of them! Kai also had two rides on the carousel. By the end of the day (about 5 and 1/2 hours after we arrived) Kai was exhausted. He looked at me from the stroller and said "night night Momma". Poor kid! He passed out in his car seat before Reid even finished backing out of our parking space!

Overall, I was very impressed with the zoo. Growing up we always went to the National Zoo which I thought was nice. But this zoo took nice to a whole new level. Throughout the day I couldn't shake the feeling that I was in an amusement park akin to Busch Gardens and not a zoo. It was definitely designed for public enjoyment and to get you to linger longer. Which we could of done had we not had a toddler and a woman 8 months pregnant!!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

You are such a cute pregnant girl! My kids ranked Brookfield right up there with Disney World. Had I only known, I could have saved some $$$. :) I'm glad you guys had a good time.