Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Finn Alexander Jones

We are so excited to have Finn as part of our family! He came 10 days before his due date and after a relatively quick labor (about 6.5 hours), taking us all by surprise. He gave us a little scare at the beginning as he managed to aspirate meconium and required oxygen. Because of his oxygen requirements, Finn was placed in the NICU and given an IV. Poor little guy was hooked up to all kinds of monitors. But I was happy to wake up on Sunday morning and find that he had come off the oxygen at 1am that day and we only had to give him a few more good feedings before he could come off of the IV. He was finally released from the NICU at about 4pm on Sunday (after 24 hours there). We were happy to have him join me on the mom/baby floor and meet his older brother for the first time. They exchanged presents and we had a little birthday party. Kai had picked out cupcakes and foot rattles for Finn, and Finn brought Kai a Percy train and bathtub markers.Finn and I were released from the hospital on Monday morning and were excited to get home. At home Finn had one more surprise for Kai--a tent and tunnel set-up complete with basketball hoop and balls. Kai has been thrilled with his presents! Finn, in the meantime, has been content to eat and sleep, except between the hours of 10pm and 2am, when for some reason he wants to cuddle and be held and not let me sleep at all!

The last time Finn was weighed was Sunday evening. He weighed in at a mere 5 pounds 14 ounces. Wow! Needless to say, he seems so tiny and all of a sudden Kai seems huge! We have him wearing premie diapers and newborn clothes, which are just swallowing him whole. He is eating well and so I expect he'll be gaining weight in no time. His first doctor's appointment is tomorrow, so I'll let you know.

Welcome home Finn!


Kristi said...

He's adorable! What a precious little baby boy! I'm so excited that you posted pictures. He definitely looks like a Reid-Angie combo!

Erica said...

Welcome to the world Finn!! I was hoping you'd hold out until Halloween so I could be the winner on the baby pool, but oh well. I'm glad you're here and doing well! What a cutie pie!

The Bertagnoles said...

Crying now!!!! What a precious little guy! Im glad he is home and you are both okay! :) Tantissimi Auguri!!!

The Price Family said...

Just beautiful! And so tiny:) Save one of those preemie diapers for when he is older to show how little he was... cause they do get so big, so fast:) I am so glad his NICU stay was short and uneventful!

Millionaira said...

So sweet! :D and i remember that day when aj looked soooo tiny and then riley was born and it was like over night aj became this huge kid...so weird LOL

i'm glad you're home and things are going well!!!

2nd said...

Congratulations! He's adorable :)

Fisher Family said...

He's darling Ang! Hope you don't mind I added you to my blog. My blog address is:
steveanddenice.blogspot.com if you want to check it out.

The Young's said...

He is SO adorable. I just want to hold him! Congrats!!!

Becca said...

Congrats! Finn is such a fun name. I'm glad he's doing well and he certainly is a handsome little guy.

The Koffords said...

Congrats to the growing Jones family. He is sooo cute, those lips you just want to eat up! He is precious and I am glad that Kai is welcoming him with open arms they will be good buds!

Spencer, Kami, James and Madelynn said...

BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!!!! I am so excited for you Angie :) I appreciate you love of having boys - I would be content to have 1 or 2 more boys in addition to James!!

cari said...

Congrats Angie. He is so beautiful. I'm glad that he is doing better and at home with you guys. Hope you can get some rest.

abby said...

I love your idea about giving the older child presents on the baby's birthday. Finn is a cutie.