Kai's bunkbeds finally arrived last week! We were excited to receive them and set-up the "big boy room". The bed was put together by Friday evening and Kai spent his first night in the room that night. We finished hanging pictures and curtains on Saturday. It's nice to see Kai's room looking more like his bedroom. We still have a few things we'd like to get and arrange, but for the most part we're done.
As for night time, it's hit or miss right now. About half the time he makes it through the night by himself and then gets up around 6 or 6:30am. The other nights he has gotten up and wandered around the house looking for us. It's really cute, but tiring, to hear him call "Momma come play" at 2am.
We're so proud of our big boy and so happy to have Kai in our family!

We've been trying to transition Elena to a toddler bed for the past month and it has been a challenge. Hope the toddler bed transition is going much smoother for you guys!
Wow! It looks great! I love the colors, the furniture, and the accessories. I especially love the sweet little boy standing next to the bed. What a cutie!
i love the sheets too. We may have to copy those!
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