Friday, December 4, 2009

Weighing In

Finn has had several opportunities to be weighed in the last few weeks.  Here are some of his stats.  As you can see, he's gaining weight!

Finn at one month

November 19--At Children's Hospital--2.9 kg, or 6 lbs. 6 oz (we think their scale is a little screwy)
November 20--Pediatrician's office--6 lbs. 13.5 oz  (this is the scale we've been using all along, so we go with this one.  It was his first weigh in where he was above birth weight!)
November 27--Pediatrician's office--7 lbs 6 oz

Our next weigh-in will be at his pulmonologist appointment on Monday.  I'm shooting for a number that starts with 8.  Wish us luck!

Kai's foot is small for his age, and Finn's foot is just tiny!


Kristi said...

Oh he's so cute! You can totally tell he's gaining- look at those cute cheeks!

Erica said...

Hey that's great that he gained 8+ oz in 7 days!

Nadia said...

Go Finn!!!