Monday, February 1, 2010

A Happy Accident

I wish we were recording our webcam chat with Grammy and Papa last night.  Finn was animated, happy, and enjoying his grandparents.  He was in such a good mood that we decided to put him on his tummy to show them how good he was at tummy time.  Once on his tummy, he pulled his head up, looked around, and about five seconds later he was on his back.  He rolled all by himself!!  So fun that Grammy and Papa were able to see it, too.  Unfortunately, it completely shocked Finn and he started to cry.  He had no idea what happened.  We've been unable to get him to repeat the feat since then.  So, I guess it's just what his Aunt Kristi would call a "happy accident".  So fun that we were able to share it, though.

1 comment:

Tara Oliver said...

awwww yay!! Ashleigh is almost 6-months-old and hasn't rolled yet. so way to go, Finn!!