Thursday, December 30, 2010

He can write his name!

**From December 22nd**

Kai can write his name!!  He is doing such a good job with his letters, spelling, and reading.  He can easily spell words such as box, fox, wall, ball, and frog.  I'm sure there are more, I'm just not thinking of them off-hand.  He loves practicing his letters and learning to spell new words.  He's too smart!  Here are some of his recent "pictures".

This is a picture he sent to my Grandmother.  It's an airplane with people and then the letters are his words to her.  Each letter is the start of a new word.  I = I, J was for just, etc.

His name!

This is his name followed by a self-portrait.  On the top is his hair and he's pointing to the underwear that he drew on himself.  :)

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