Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's August!

Somebody pinch me. How did we get to August so quickly??! I do have to admit that I'm excited about this month. This Tuesday marks the beginning of the final trimester of this pregnancy. And on Wednesday we have a 3D ultrasound. We're excited to see our little guy again. I'm curious to see how much he's grown. And then next week starts my every two week visits with the midwife. While I know the appointments will still be rather boring and basic, it's exciting to know that we are on the final stretch. But there's still so much to do! Thank goodness we have August (and September and most of October for that matter!).

Here are some new videos, just for fun.

Sorry--he insisted on singing to me through the screen and on the deck. Gotta love him!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

So cute! It will be fun to watch him during the primary sacrament meeting programs.