This morning Kai and I trekked out to the hospital for some lab work and a Rhogam shot for me. (I'm RH negative, therefore I have to have this shot everytime I'm pregnant. Can I choose to blame Reid for being normal? Or is it my fault that I'm strange??) For being a tired boy, Kai was very well behaved while they drew my blood. After the blood draw, they sent us up to the maternity ward to wait for the shot. Kai LOVED the play table that was in the waiting room. In fact, when they were ready for my shot, he didn't want to leave the table. So, the nurse bribed him with a sticker. When we got back to the room we found that it wasn't a sticker, but rather a tattoo. She was nice enough to even get a washcloth and put in on for him. He was very intrigued by the whole thing and when we were done he was asking to go play at the "hodpital" again. Ummmm.....too bad I have no desire to go back until we have to. Today's visit will have to last him for a while.
Im RH negative too!:) Fun for us. I get my rhogam shot in about 8 weeks or so. Fun fun fun!! :}
Cute little hand; cute little tattoo! I'm glad you are all done getting your shot! No more hodpital for a while!
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