Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Finn at 2 weeks

We took Finn in for his 2 week weight check last Friday. I was very disappointed that he had only gained 2 ounces since coming home from the hospital. He weighed in at an even 6 pounds. We still have quite a bit of weight to gain to reach birth weight. I'll be in honest and say that I am at a loss as to why he is not gaining weight. He latches on well by himself, and sucks for quite a while. It does seem that my milk supply is lower than it was with Kai, but I figure that's because the demand is lower. Kai nursed every hour for the first two weeks or so, and Finn instead is a sleepy baby that I have to wake up every three hours all day and all night to eat. Anyway, after our appointment I started pumping to increase my supply and was very successful. I even have started storing milk in the freezer because I have some extra. And I've been nursing Finn and then offering a bottle afterwards. Although I have to admit that I've hesitated to do that these past two or three days because we've found that he'll just keep eating until he throws up. I wonder if he's not getting enough calories and that's why he's so sleepy. But if he would demand the milk, it'd be there....I know that. At Kai's 2 week check-up he was one pound over birth weight. By one month he was 2 pounds over birth weight. So, to be having this kind of problem is baffling to me.

Today we have to go back to the pediatrician to meet with a lactation consultant and get Finn weighed again. I'm crossing my fingers that he's gained a few ounces. If he hasn't, I might just get really frustrated. And as much as I want to nurse this kid, if it's not working for him we'll have to switch to formula. More than anything, I want to do what is healthy and best for him....which I've always thought was breastmilk. But maybe there is an exception to every rule?? We'll see what they say today.


Kristi said...

I hope things work out soon! He such a sweet baby! I can't believe they are 2 1/2 weeks old already. I'll be anxious to learn what you find out! My prayers are with you and cute baby Finn.

Melanie said...

Congrats Angie! He is beautiful. Sorry about the feeding problems. Let me know if you need any help when family leaves!

Vatonurse said...

What a sweet picture of Finn - he is such an adorable little boy!