Friday, December 4, 2009


For Thanksgiving this year we stayed in, just the 4 of us. It was the first time in our marriage that we had not had a Thanksgiving dinner with another family. We had agreed to split up the cooking duties, but in the end Reid ended up making about 90% of it. Am I a lucky woman or what??!

We enjoyed our dinner of turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, funeral potatoes, green bean casserole, egg nog, sparkling drinks, and pumpkin pie. Kai couldn't find a single thing on the menu that he thought was worth eating. Ugghhhh...hopefully he'll come to appreciate it in the next few years.

As Kai managed to pass his cold on to Finn, Finn spent the day in his carseat sleeping. You could tell he was just not feeling good. The doctor has actually put him on an antibiotic, as coughing could stir up the bacteria in his lungs. It seems the cold is passing and I'm grateful for that. Having a sick baby is scary, but it seems to be even more scary to me with Finn's CF.


Kristi said...

Owen and Kai have the same tastes. Well, actually I think Owen ate a roll. I like Finn's thanksgiving outfit. I'm glad everyone is getting better.

Erica said...

I LOVE the "little turkey" feet!

jenn said...

those TOES. love em.