Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Love You Week

One episode of My Friends Tigger and Pooh is called I Love You Day.  It's pretty much a Valentine's Day type of episode.  Kai has been asking for Valentine's Day and looking forward to it for a couple of weeks now, so we decided that we would celebrate all week long. He's excited to make cookies and hearts.

Yesterday we decided that we would make brownies and decorate hearts for Daddy.  It was a fun project to do together and we really had a good time.  The pictures turned out well, too.


Towards the end of the day we were playing with playdough at the table.  When it was time to get down I discovered that Kai had misbuckled his booster seat resulting in the seat being stuck on his bum!  I was laughing my head off.  In the end I had to have him lay on his stomach so that I could reach the buckle and get him out. 


We had a good day! 
Quote of the day!!
Kai:  Any questions?
Me:  No, I don't have any questions.  Do you have any questions Kai?
Kai:  No.  I just have the answers!


Kristi said...

I've looked at this post several times. I love it! I love the chocolaty finger- it's my favorite. Today, I noticed Kai's expression looking back at the booster seat and I cracked up! What a funny experience. These are the kind of things that might be forgotten without digital cameras and blogs!

S J Dub-Blogger said...

I love the look Kai has on his face while he's looking at his booster seat! Kai is such a blast. So glad you blog your experiences. Wish we had this when I was little. ;)

Tara Oliver said...

ahhhh - a boy after my own heart! licking the brownie bowl. yummmmm!