Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Funny things the boys are up to

I wish I was better at writing down the funny things the boys say.  But there are just a couple from the last month or so that I do remember that I thought I'd share.


While riding in the car, Finn pipes up from the back, "There's a sock in my shoe!"
Me: "Yes, there is. It's on your foot!"


At a birthday party for a friend I was helping to serve the food and pour some Root Beer when I overhear Kai saying, "Don't worry.  It's not really beer.  And it's not even made from roots!"


Finn has grown so much in the last few months, both physically and developmentally.  His speech is finally getting there and he says more and more all of the time.  He has lately taken to using phrases that he hears us use, but he has no idea what they mean or quite how to use them.  For example, to refer to a time in the future he may say "next year/month/week", but never "tomorrow".  And to refer to a past incident he normally says "last year" although sometimes it's "last week".  It's funny because I have a hard time trying to figure out what he's really referring to.


The boys have taken to playing in a marching band and enjoy grabbing the most obnoxious loud toys they can find and marching around the house with them.  And then Kai asks me if it wasn't the most beautiful marching band I have ever heard.  Umm......yes??


Finally, the boys enjoy holding hands while riding in the car.  They also like to play games together, one of the big favorites of which is Kai's Razkids reading assignments for school.  I guess it works out well--as Kai loves to "do" treatments with Finn so that they can watch a show together, and Finn loves to "do" homework with Kai.  They are good supporters of each other!

Another park picture, just for fun!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I love the hand-holding!