Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Evolution of Nesting

Almost as soon as we learned we were expecting our first baby (Kai), we began the shopping.  Well, it's most accurate to say that I began shopping.  Before the end of the first trimester I had already purchased a crib and changing table/dresser.  It was so fun to plan the nursery and begin that "nesting" that I had heard so much about.  When picking out the furniture and decorating for Kai's arrival, we made our decisions with the thought that we would have multiple children and we wanted to make sure everything would last.  Between my "nesting" and the 3 baby showers I had, I think I acquired just about every baby "essential" there is.  And then Kai arrived and we purchased even more.  I was sure there was no way we would ever need any other baby item again!

So, when we learned we were expecting Finn, there just wasn't as much to do.  We had everything baby already, or so I thought.  The problem was that Kai was still using it all.  So, in preparation for Finn we spent time getting Kai's big boy room ready.  Once again, we invested for the future and bought bunk beds and other such items that could be shared.  It turned out that getting ready for baby #2 became more expensive than baby #1!  But I reasoned that that would be end of that, as we now had everything we needed for big boys and babies.

So, here comes baby #3.  People keep asking what I need.  And the answer is really, nothing.  At least, nothing for the baby.  I had a baby shower the other week and got lots of cute girl clothes and some girly blankets, which was perfect.  Since this one is a girl, that's really what I needed for her.  And for the boys, we already have the bunk beds and dressers, etc.  So, we don't need anything for them either.  I was right after baby #2 that we really do have everything we need for the kids.  My list of getting ready for baby is quite short this time.  But there is one thing that we discovered that we need--a new car.  Three car seats do not fit in my Outback.  And so we began the hunt for a minivan.  This was a stressful and difficult decision for us.  We went through every option and spent hours analyzing the options, talking to people, and test driving. We finally made a decision and this past weekend we brought home this beautiful new minivan, a 2013 Honda Odyssey.  The boys LOVE the car and I'm getting used to driving it around.  I'll admit, parking still freaks me out.  I hope I get used to it soon!  As part of the purchase, we traded in Reid's 2003 Honda Accord.  We had fun reminiscing on the way to the dealer all of our moments in that car--our first date, leaving the temple as newlyweds, bringing Kai home from the hospital, and more.

I'm still in shock that getting ready for baby #3 cost more than the other 2 combined!!


Laurel C. said...

Thank *heavens* you didn't buy a Suburban. ;)

I love your new van!

Amanda & Jared said...

We bought a van in preparation for Ella as well. I love it and so does Cole. He loves looking out his big window. It's also nice to have extra seats when family and friends come to visit. Can't wait to see your little girl!

Kristi said...

The van will be great for your family! I'm glad everyone likes it! It looks very nice!