Saturday, May 11, 2013

More of Bree

By day 3 Bree had developed this horrible looking rash.  The doctors called it  erythema toxicum.  It was all over her, including her face, poor baby.  See the spots on her cheek here?

Her favorite pass-time that first week was sleeping.  During the day she was pretty good about sleeping on her own in her cradle, but at night she wanted more snuggles.  She ended up in bed with me nearly every single night.  We both got more sleep that way and I love snuggling with her!

By day 5 her rash was looking so much better, but she was definitely having some jaundice issues.  See the yellow??

The rash was so much better!

Day 7--all 3 kids

Day 8--our first day alone.  In the afternoon Bree took a nap....

and Finn played computer next to me in the bed.  It felt good to rest.

Day 9--all 3 kids in the car for the first time!

I also made my own baby scale to see if she was back up to birth weight.  By day 11 she weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces at the pediatrician.

That car ride took us to Party City where we needed to buy party supplies for Kai's upcoming birthday party.  Throughout the month of May all locations of Party City nationwide are collecting money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  As an emotional new mom, I nearly teared up when I saw this wall of contributions.  On day 9 we got a phone call from our CF doctor informing us that Bree's newborn screen reflected very low levels of IRT (the hormone they measure to detect CF), which is a good thing.  But it also reflected that she does carry the DF508 mutation.  So, out of an abundance of caution, Bree will be going for her sweat test this coming Wednesday.  

I had asked a friend several months back about doing newborn pictures of Bree.  In the  new mom fog, I forgot to call her the first week, and didn't contact her until half-way through this second week.  She is now out of town and kind of hinted that Bree is getting too old for newborn shots.  Talk about breaking my heart.  I feel that I don't have that many good pictures of her, mostly because she sleeps so much.  So yesterday while she was awake and happy for a little bit, I took my own pictures.  It's not the same, but I'm glad to have some pictures of her!

When we found out we were having a girl, I instantly thought of her as my little "cherry on top."  So, this outfit is just perfect for her!
I think this one is my favorite.
For some reason I can't get this one to rotate.  But if you figure it out, it's a cute one!

Here's my other poser while I was taking Bree's pictures!  Kai was off reading a book.  (that deserves it's own post!)
Uggh, I tried rotating this one too and it won't do it.  But I love seeing this basket of pink.  It warms my heart!


Kristi said...

I love Day 8 's picture! She is so sweet. What cute, cute kids. I love the basket of pink too.

6 lbs 14 oz... Way to grow, Bree!

Laurel C. said...

I was thinking of you while I ate breakfast today (I have no idea what that connection would be.) and how your photographer isn't available. I met a photographer at MOPS who is amazingly talented. In fact, she's the one I took photography lessons from. Here's her website:

She's in Monument and specializes in newborn and children shoots. And yes, I think Bree still qualifies as a newborn!