Sunday, March 30, 2008

Too Cute!

We just got Kai's pictures from his recent studio visit. Hope you enjoy. They were all just way too cute!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter!

Okay, so I'm a little late, but I have some lame excuses. :) My biggest one is that I've caught a cold....I blame it on Reid. He had it last week and now I'm down with it. I hope it's the last one of the season because we've definitely seen our share of them this winter.

So, back to Easter. We had a good Sunday service and I enjoyed the talks centered on the Atonement very much, even if the speakers did give my Sunday School lesson. Good thing I teach 14 year-olds who don't listen to sacrament!! After church I was busy preparing our first big Jones' family holiday dinner. We had the Elders over for Easter dinner and enjoyed a yummy ham, funeral potatoes, bean salad, and angel food cake with pineapple. It turned out very well and the even the dishes didn't seem so bad after such a fabulous meal. We didn't dress Kai up as I figured he wouldn't even notice the difference. Actually, it seems that Easter clothes isn't a big deal out here. I only saw a handful of girls with "Easter" dresses at church. The rest of us were in our normal Colorado winter attire--and good thing too because it snowed!!

Since Sunday, the snow has melted and the sun is coming out. Kai and I just got back in from a nice walk down the Santa Fe trail with a friend. Kai was even covered in sunscreen! Despite the fact that I still have no idea what to expect, we're really starting like to Colorado. What a beautiful day, both Sunday and today.

Friday, March 21, 2008

All By Myself

He can do it! Kai can stand all by himself! The only problem is that he doesn't like doing it, silly kid. If he knows that I'm about to let go, he'll quickly slid down to his bum, but when he does stay up he can balance fairly well--at least a good three seconds. I can't believe how close we're getting to walking!

Wednesday we had picture day and they turned out so well!!! Finally, we had a good sitting. I had such a hard time picking which ones I wanted, I would have preferred to buy them all. They should be available online early next week and so if I don't send you the link, feel free to shoot me an email and ask for it.

Other than that, we're still working on the computer issue. It's probably going to take a while, so if you'll endure my endless chatter, you're welcome to visit my picture-less site.

Oh, and I almost forgot....Kai has slept through the night twice this week!! I'm at a loss of what to do when he doesn't wake me body has forgotten how to sleep. Hopefully, it'll remember soon!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Technical Difficulties

I have to apologize for the lack of posts lately. But despite the fact that it's winter in Colorado, our computer was fried! Yes, I said fried! How that happens when it barely reaches above freezing is one of life's little mysteries. Okay, so it's not a huge mystery just a big pain. We have large sliding glass windows all along the back of the house, facing west. Every afternoon around 3 or so, that side of the house begins to heat up from the strength of the setting sun. Unfortunately, the Jones' family laptop was left on the kitchen table during an outing and viola! the poor thing was fried. Of course, we had vertical blinds installed last week, but it was too late for our trusty computer.

So, I'll do my best not to bore you with too many picture-less posts (as the only remaining computer in the house is our MacMini, on which I can't upload pictures or videos) and hopefully soon Reid will have us a new computer. His idea: Time to build one!!

Wish us luck!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

All Boy!

Kai is definitely developing his boyish interests. This past weekend we bought him some plush balls to play with and he was so excited. He loves to walk around and kick the balls, roll them back and forth with mommy, and just in general play with the ball! He also loves having daddy home on the weekends to play XBox with and watch TV, activities that mom doesn't normally allow. :)

This weekend we also bought him some "Walking Wings". Kai loves to walk all over the house, but the problem is that he can't do it alone. In order to save Reid's back (he's the taller of the two of us) we tried the walking wings. He had such a good time!

As you can see in the video, Kai loves to clap. He has discovered that by clapping he can tell me what he likes and he doesn't hesitate to do so. Monday for dinner we tried something new and he didn't like it. After being a good sport and taking two bites, I gave him some applesauce as something yummy before going to a normal dinner. He was so happy to taste the applesauce he started to clap! I gave him a few bites and he clapped after each one. Finally, I gave him his normal dinner and he made the mad face again. So, back to the applesauce and the clapping. Talk about manipulative!! He even understands the word "clap" and sometimes he'll do it just from my request. He's so cute. He gives high fives by request, too. And the other night in the bathtub when he couldn't see where I had placed my hand for the high five, he just gave me a high five right on the check. So sweet!

Finally, the binky has returned. Kai's stubbornness has won out and mommy has caved! He was nursing so much, mostly to go to sleep, that I had become beyond sore (insert bleeding here!). So, I had decided to pump and bottle feed him, but he was refusing the bottle. I gave up on that and tried to get him to sleep, also to no avail. Finally, I pulled out the binky. I've never seen such a look of contentment on his face. He sucked and sucked for 20 minutes and then without even a fight, he took his entire bottle. I guess that just goes to show me that I'm not really in charge here....Kai is! And he wasn't ready to part with the binky!