Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eventful Week

These two boys keep me on my toes!  Last week was just very eventful.  I'm sure you don't want to hear all of the details, so I'll just hit the highlights.

On Tuesday we were out playing in the yard.  Finn likes to walk up and down the walkway to our house, despite the fact that I always try to steer him back to the grass.  I think he likes that there are stairs to climb at the door.  :)  Anyway, he was walking the walk and pushing a toy lawn mower when he stumbled and fell.  His face kissed the sidewalk and he you could tell it hurt.  I wasn't able to stop the fall, but I was there right afterwards to pick him up.  I could see right away that he was bleeding from his mouth.  I called Kai and we ran to the kitchen to try and assess the damage.  I couldn't tell where the blood was coming from and I couldn't get him to calm down.  I finally pulled out an Otter Pop and he calmed down to take a few sucks.  The bleeding slowed a bit and I saw a scrape on the side of his mouth and blood still from the inside.  I thought I saw some loose tissue in his mouth, too.  I decided that it was a mouth injury and like all mouth injuries it would bleed a lot and heal quickly.  So, I let it go.

On Wednesday morning we went into the toy room to play.  I immediately saw there was a mess that needed my attention and I didn't want the boys near it at all.  So I took them back upstairs, locked the gate, and ran down to spend the couple of minutes I thought it would take to clean up.  Well, I'm a wimp so it took a bit longer than I anticipated, but still within 3 minutes I hear a thud.  Turns out Finn managed to squeeze himself between the railings along the side of the stairs and fell.  According to Kai's eyewitness account, he fell the entire 7 feet to the landing.  I question that story, but can't really prove either theory.  I kept questioning Kai and the only decent thing I got out of him is "Mom, I think he can fly!".  Well, Finn seemed ok, but I still wanted him checked out.  So we got an appointment about an hour later at the pediatrician.  She said he was tough and just fine from the morning's fall.  She said the previous fall on the sidewalk was worse and noted that he had a torn upper frenulum (that little skin that connects your gums and your lip).  She says those tend to bleed a lot.  Yep, my shirt was covered!

Thursday was a slower day, thankfully.  However on Friday we had a playgroup date at the pumpkin patch.  It was the first day the patch was open and so things were slow and not quite as exciting.  Kai seemed to enjoy the hay bale maze.  Unfortunately in my run out the door (I'll explain that in a second) I forgot Finn's shoes, so the poor guy was stuck in the stroller.  And not happy about it!  It was so warm and sunny that Finn got a slight sunburn on his face.

The other Friday adventure was navigating the Similac recall.  Finn has loved his Similac from day one and I was quite nervous about switching brands.  I simply didn't think he'd take it at all.  So I talked to the dietitian at Children's and she suggested buying the liquid concentrate and then diluting to the strength that he needs (26 calories per ounce).  So, we ran out the door to find liquid concentrate.  Two stores later I realized that everyone else was having the same idea and we weren't likely to find enough of it to meet our needs.  So, back to brainstorming.  A friend (also a dietitian) calls and as we were talking I mentioned the formula debate.  She suggested trying GoodStart.  So, back to the store we went.  And wouldn't you know, he liked it.  He didn't even seem to notice that I changed things.  In fact, since he took to it so well we decided to try the Wal-Mart brand today (it's much cheaper) and he liked that, too.  So for the next four weeks or so, Finn will be drinking Wal-Mart formula.

Anyway, that was our eventful week in a nutshell.  There's more to come, but it'll have to wait until after our family vacation.  We're so excited to get going tomorrow.  Kai has been counting down all week.  I can't wait to see his excited face in the morning.

Monday, September 13, 2010

All About Finn

What do I say about the craziest 10-month old I've ever seen??!  Finn is absolutely a doll.  Our home teacher has said a couple of times now that "Finn is good for the ego."  He is such a happy baby.  He loves attention and will smile and reward you greatly for any attempt you take at making him laugh.  He has captured the hearts of all of the women at church and pretty much every man, too.  The most frequently heard comment is "He's such a happy baby."  And it's so true.  He's our smiley little guy who has the most determination.  Not only has he mastered walking, he can now turn in circles, dance, and pretty much run.  He even managed to climb up on the couch (without the cushions) and the bathtub yesterday.  I'm not kidding.  He's very independent and is good at entertaining himself.  But if I turn my back for 10 seconds, I may never find him again.....and when I do find him there's normally a disaster, too.

Finn is also learning to talk.  There have been several random words that we've thought we've heard him repeat.  He seems to have picked up on "bye bye", though.  I have heard him several times say "Buh" as Reid goes through doors and even once when Kai did.  I think he's saying "bye".  He also loves to make noises with his lips.  He will grab our hands and have us pat his lips or wiggle his lips as he makes noise.  And if we stop when he's not done, he will continue with his own finger.  He also has a tendency to blow raspberries on my arm when he's having a hard time settling down for bed.  Of course, sometimes I end up getting bit when he does that.  He has been biting a lot.  Maybe we have more teeth coming??

We sure do love this little guy!


Kai had his first soccer class on Saturday.  He has been looking forward to this day for quite a long time.  I told him all last week that he had soccer on Saturday and we spent the days counting down.  On Saturday morning, I was a bit apprehensive about how he would respond once the day arrived and so I didn't say anything right away.  While we were in bed with Daddy, I asked Reid to watch the kids so that I could go get ready to take Kai to soccer.  I said it quietly with the thought that maybe Kai wouldn't be listening.  Instead, he turned towards me and asked what day it was.  When I said Saturday, he excitedly yelled out "Soccer!" and then insisted on running to get his jersey and get dressed in his soccer clothes.  He was ready an hour beforehand and kept telling me that we had to go right then.  He was so excited.

Kai did well at his class.  He listened to the coach pretty well and did exactly what she said.  He loved having a real soccer ball and being on the field.  He struggled with some of the instructions and I realized that we definitely need to work on his flexibility and coordination.  But I guess that's what the class is for.  He stayed actively involved in the class for about 35 minutes and then his attention began to wane.  I had to pull him back onto the field several times in those last 15 minutes, but overall he was great.  He LOVED going to soccer and told me that he had a great day.  I'm so glad he had so much fun.  Next week Reid will take him so that he can play soccer with Kai, too.

Kai with a soccer ball.
Warming up--stretch way up....
then touch your toes.
Coach Sarah told them to sit right by her.  Kai took that quite literally!
Learning to stop the ball with his foot.
Scoring a goal.  Then he had to go get his ball.  There was a big pile-up.
Telling Coach Casey that he lives by I-25!
The YMCA cheer at the end.

All About Kai

Kai is growing up so fast and we love him so much.  I've been wanting to document a few of things that he is doing these days, so please just indulge me.

Kai LOVES numbers and counting.  We've been working with him on basic math and he's pretty good when he focuses.  Like any other 3 year old, Kai has a tendency to throw out answers or say "You tell me", which is his version of "I don't know."  But when he really concentrates, he does know the answer.  He also loves playing on the computer.  His favorite websites are Sesame Street, Thomas and Barney, and Playhouse Disney (in that order).  We also have a game on our computer, Purble Place, that he really enjoys.

This summer Kai has learned to pedal his tricycles and drive his plasma car.  He has also jumped on a trampoline for the first time, and has mastered climbing all the way to the top slides at the playground.  His vocabulary is still fantastic and growing.  His imagination is much better than mine has ever been and he has started asking the questions that can drive parents crazy.  He loves learning the names of roads and will proudly tell you that he lives next to "the big road called I-25."  He loves to talk and tell you about what he's doing and he still loves to give hugs.

 Kai with the "plant" that he planted last week.

We have decided not to enroll Kai in preschool this year.  Instead, I am looking for activities and playdates to make sure that he socializes about once a week.  Our first activity is soccer.  He had his first soccer class this past Saturday and absolutely loved it.  (There will be another post on that.)  He has also expressed interest in music and gymnastics classes.  Actually if you ask him now, he will tell you that he wants to take football class next.  Ha!  I told him he had to be 6 for football (flag football at the Y) and so then he decided that basketball will be next.  Another Ha!

Kai has had days in the past month or so that I have decided must be "be a big boy" day in his mind.  Out of nowhere he brought me a regular plastic cup instead of a sippy cup one day, and ever since he's been ok with drinking out of a cup.  (He used to throw fits about it.)  He also has had 2-3 days in the last month that he has wanted to wear underwear instead of diapers.  Those days we have stayed in and talked about the importance of running to the potty.  We haven't had any real success yet, but I have seen improvements.  Inevitably, he ends up in diapers the next day, but then he spends that day telling me when he has gone in his diaper.  There was even one night that he came into our room at about 11:30pm to tell me that he had wet his diaper and needed a change.  Seriously, that's huge for him!  The biggest change is that he has pretty much permanently dropped naps.  About twice a week when he is too cranky for words, I will force him to take a nap, but he won't fall asleep until about 2 or later.  Obviously we can't let him sleep too long at that point, but there are times when he just needs it.  But the other 5 days or so, he just goes and goes.  His bedtime is pretty set at 7:30pm and he normally sleeps until about 7am.  We do have nights when he gets up scared of the wind or other things, but he is pretty easy to put back to bed (most of the time).

Eating a hot dog like a big boy.

One of Kai's newest phrases has been "I say."  For example, he will tell me the demand of the moment and then add "I say" as if he's the king of England.  This morning I wanted him to play outside and he replies, "No playing outside I say."  Seriously, it's funny and obnoxious all at the same time!

We have had trying moments with Kai as he struggles with sharing my attention with Finn.  He lashes out at times and has hit Finn, us, and other kids with things such as toys, pillows, or just his hands.  He frequently knocks Finn to the ground and takes toys from him.  For a few weeks I was struggling with him and really having a hard time with his behavior.  I found myself wondering what happened to the little boy that I loved and adored and in those moments I realized that I needed to start seeing him that way again.  I need to look at Kai and see the sweet boy that I know is in there and treat him as such.  As I have done that over the last week or so, I have found the Kai that I love again and I'm so proud to be his Mom.  He really is a good kid and as I focus on that, the behavior seems to be getting better.  But it is a constant thing that we have to work on.

We love Kai so much and are so glad to have him.  He keeps us on our toes and certainly wears us out, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm so grateful for our loving little boy!

 Kai's line up of tricycles and his plasma car.  He calls this part of the yard
"Tumbleweed park."  Eveytime we go out to play, this is what he does.
I just love the colors in this picture. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Botanical Gardens at Chatfield

We went adventuring again today (Augsut 30th) and I have to admit, I think it was a bust.  We've had so much fun on our other adventures that this was bound to happen sometime, so I'm ok with it.  We went to the Denver Botanical Gardens at Chatfield.  The website made it look like a really nice place, and I even ran into a play group about 2 years ago at our local park that told me they frequented the gardens.  I have no idea what they would do there.  There wasn't even a visitor center to glean information.  We wandered around a bit and managed to find the Discovery Center, which was a tree house, a pond (infested with bees), and a rock pit with logs to build teepees.  The kids enjoyed that area for a while before we headed on.  We ran into an old farm house that still had a chicken coop with chickens.  Kai really liked that, but by that time we were about done.  We ambled on a bit more trying to find something, anything, but struck out.  There were various guide signs throughout the area, but they were not overly informative.  One made me laugh out loud.  It stated in large, bold print, "Dead Tree".  Really, like we couldn't tell.

 Kai pushing Madeleine in the stroller.  Yes, she is bigger than him
and just slightly older.  I guess I'm just lucky that Kai has always
preferred to walk instead of ride in the stroller.  It's saved me from
having to buy a double stroller.
Kai in the treehouse.
Finn climbing into the treehouse, too.  I couldn't get a picture of it
because I was too scared to stand back, but he did manage to get
himself up a rung or two!
Kai building teepees with Ethan.
Finn climbing again.  Anyone see a pattern here?
Finn's pit stop.  I really enjoy having him on a bottle.
It makes outings like this so much more manageable.

After our wandering we went to Chick Fil' A for lunch and had a good time visiting.  At least we have some good friends who like to adventure with us.  That always makes our trips a good time!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Creeped Out

This post is for my sister-in-law, Kristi, who I know will be as creeped out as I am, and for all of those who have lived with me, and my arachnophobia, in the past.

On Thursday we went to the park with some friends.  It was a pretty windy day and so I took jackets for everyone.  Kai wanted to take his fuzzy fleece orange jacket.  We had a good time visiting with our friends, and Kai had a great time exploring the drainage ditches, trees, and bushes with their oldest son.  When we got home that afternoon, I took all three of our jackets and placed them together just inside the doorway on the floor of our master bedroom.  They stayed there the rest of the day.

Friday morning I was cleaning up and so I picked up the whole stack of jackets and draped them over the back of the couch in our living room.  I knew we would be going out to play soon and that with the wind, we'd need them again.  Just a few hours later I was getting everyone ready to go out.  I held up Kai's orange jacket and told him to put it on.  He reached out to put his arms in and stopped.

"What's that?" he asked.
"It's your jacket.  Put it on.", I replied.
"What's that?", he asked again.

This time I looked to where he was pointing and without everything completely registering, I began to place the jacket on the counter next to where I stood.  Once the jacket was on the counter I got a very clear look at the large spider that was just relaxing on Kai's jacket.  Now, I have to insert that I've been doing very well this last year or so in controlling my reaction and taking care of things calmly.  Kai has developed a fear of bugs that we attribute to me and so I've been working really hard on managing my reactions and the things that I say.  But this spider was different.  It was big.  It wasn't your normal house spider.  I was afraid and having a hard time controlling it.  I asked Kai to help me find the vacuum.  Turns out it was right behind me in the living room, I was just too freaked out to think clearly.  We wheeled the vacuum in and after extending the extension as far as it could go, I stood three feet back and did my best to suck that darn spider to oblivion.  The thing is, we never saw the spider in the vacuum collector and so I couldn't be 100% sure that it was gone.  I tried talking Kai into wearing a different jacket, but he wouldn't.  So after a few minutes and repeated questioning from Kai ("Is the spider gone, Mom?"), we put the jacket on and went outside.  Crisis averted.

Fast forward 16 hours.  It's 4am and Finn has just woken up.  As the temperature drops significantly at night here, I have a stack of fleece blankets on the floor next to his crib.  After getting his bottle and medication ready, I grab a blanket, wrap it around him, and pick him up.  I give him his meds (all 4 pills!) and his bottle and then move into the recliner.  At this point I suddenly think, "What if there's a spider in this blanket?"  I rationalize with myself that it's 4am, I'm still freaked out from the spider earlier and that I was letting my imagination get away with me.  Finn cuddles and drinks for 15 minutes and then falls back asleep.  So, I quietly place him in the crib and as he rolls over I realize that he's going to need another blanket as the first one is now under him.  I grab another and as I'm doing so, he wakes up and wants me to hold him again.  We go back to the recliner with 2 blankets this time.  After another 15 minutes he's asleep and I place him back in the crib.  He wakes up again, but this time I continue to our room.  He started to cry, but that's not new either.  He normally cries for at most 5 minutes and then goes back to sleep.  So, I laid down and waited.  Fifteen minutes later he's still wailing.  It's nearly 5am now and I'm awake enough to realize that something is wrong.  He doesn't really ever do this.  So, I trudge back to the room pick him up and we snuggle again.  Once again my mind asks, "What if there's a spider in these blankets?"  And once again, I dismiss it.  I leaned back in the recliner, pulled my feet up underneath me and closed my eyes.  Twenty more minutes go by and he's finally in his crib asleep.

So, this morning Finn sleeps in a little and Kai, Reid and I enjoy our snuggling time on the bed.  After a while, Finn joins us and we all play.  About an hour after we'd all been up and playing, I need to take Finn in for a diaper change.  In the daylight I see something on the recliner.  With a closer look I realize what is there.  A half-squashed spider of what appeared to be the same variety that was on Kai's fleece jacket yesterday.

I'm now officially creeped out.  I seriously sat on a spider last night and squished it!!  I'm not completely sure that the spider was in those blankets, but that's my guess.  It's either that or the spider was a hitch-hiker that came into Finn's room on my pants or socks.  If that's the case, then I wonder if both spiders came out of my bedroom.  Or are the spiders getting cold at night too and finding warmth in our fleece.  No matter what the answer is, I just want to say UGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The North Pole

Last year we took Kai to a small local amusement park named The North Pole.  It's a Christmas-themed park nestled in the mountains.  It's a fun place with many kid rides, animals, and shops.  Unfortunately, last year Kai was more than a little afraid of the rides.  We spent several hours at the park and he rode about 4 rides.  Throughout this summer, however, Kai has been telling us that he's not afraid of the rides anymore and he has anxiously looked forward to another trip.  We finally got to take him back on Saturday August 21st.  Within minutes of entering the park we knew that this trip was going to be different.  He had already tackled 3 or 4 rides within the first 5 minutes!  Not only did he ride just about every ride, but he LOVED it.  He rode a few rides twice, and he even got on the faster rides.  It seems that we now have a ride fanatic on our hands.  Finn even got to ride on a few of them.  The train scared him and he clung tight to me, but on the carousel he had a great time.  He was a bit shocked when the horse started to move, but then he warmed up and seemed to enjoy it.  By the end of the day, he was tuckered out.  Of course we took lots of pictures.  Here are just a handful of the good ones.

In total, we spent about 4 hours at the park just riding rides.  Even this late in the summer, the park still wasn't crowded and most lines were only a couple of minutes wait.  After we were all completely exhausted we went to Wendy's on the way home.  It was a very good day.