I intended to do this post 10 days ago but, well, 2014 got off to a bit of a rougher start. But that's for another post.
The end of a year always affords some time for reflection. Lots of people set goals for the new year, and I'm no exception. Except I would call mine more "dreams" than "goals". I don't know that there's that much of a difference, except maybe mine are a bit loftier. Mine probably fall more into the realm of "world peace" than "lose 10 pounds". But, anyway, back to the point. One of the things that I realized/learned as I reflected on 2013 was that I could sum the year up with one word: Healing. 2013, while not perfect at times, and certainly not easy, was a year that brought a lot of healing to me personally and to us as a family. Bree's arrival in April brought a healing to my heart that I had not anticipated. To be honest, I didn't know there was anything that needed healing. But Finn's birth and subsequent diagnosis in 2009 definitely did a number on me emotionally. Having Bree brought a peace to my heart that I didn't even know had been missing. People will say, "So are you done now that you have your girl?" The answer is, "Yes." But the reasons are very different than what they assume and honestly they aren't ones that I can explain. I can just say that I am at peace now. And that has been huge.
There have been other levels of healing. They are a lot more personal than I am comfortable sharing, but they are there. And for that I am grateful. I am looking forward to 2014 for many different reasons, and I feel that 2013 left me in a good place to see some amazing things and make many happy memories. Hopefully as life gets more into a rhythm as the year goes on, the blog willbe updated on a more timely basis. One can dream right? Isn't that where I started this post--with the fact that I dream. Well, I do. And I have big dreams for the year to come.