Monday, June 10, 2013

Bucket List

On the nearly last day of Kindergarten, Kai's class had a beach day.  At one of their stations for beach day, they made a "bucket list" for the summer (on a cute, large cut-out of a beach bucket).  Kai's list was quite simple--play with his friend Avery, play with his family, take classes at School Crossing, and "do a present".  That last one left me confused, but he explained it quickly as building a race car that he received from a friend for his birthday.  He had asked several times to do it, but I had told him it would make a good summer project.  Well, school had been out a whole two days before he finally swayed me to do it.  So, Saturday morning the boys built race cars.  Kai's car ended up taking all day and lots of help from daddy.  But it was done and it looks awesome.  Now, what do we do with the rest of the summer?!

With Kai's dragging out all day, I apparently have no pictures of Kai actually doing his car.  I'll have to get a picture of him and his car and then add it here.  :)

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