Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Turning 6!

Kai's birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, which meant that it was a regular work and school day.  For school, we made chocolate chip cookies for him to share with the class.  We did this in his Pre-K class and now Kai is sold on this being his normal school birthday treat.  What's even funnier is that another mom came up to me about a week or so later and said that her son wanted to bring chocolate chip cookies for his birthday because the ones that Kai brought were "soooooo good"!  I'm glad we've started a good trend at school.  Also at school that day was PJ day.  They were having a read-a-thon all day and everyone was asked to wear their jammies and bring pillows and blankets and books.  Since our dryer was out of commission at the time and all of Kai's jammies were dirty, we picked up new jammies for him.  He was very excited to get Angry Bird Star Wars jammies and he wore them all day long.

That evening we celebrated Kai's birthday with a small family party of cheesecake and a present.  For our anniversary 3 weeks earlier I had picked out cheesecake and Kai liked it so much that he specifically requested that for his birthday cake.  We got just a small chocolate cheesecake sampler from Wal-Mart and he was very happy!

Finn actually liked it, too!

An Angry Bird puzzle

Bree's version of participating in the events
The face of a 6 year old!  He discovered the Magic Tree House series the weekend Bree was born and he is going through them faster than I can order them from the library.  I had to stop him here to get a picture of him on his birthday!

We finally held a large friend's birthday party on Saturday the 18th.  Kai picked to have his party at Glow Golf in our local mall.  We had it at lunch time, so the first 45 minutes were spent golfing and then we went into the party room where we had pizza, ice cream, and birthday cake.  And Kai also got to open all of his presents!  We had a good turn out of 7 school friend (we invited all 11 kids from his class) and 1 non-school friend.  It was a fun party and it was good not to have to clean up our house for it!  While we were at Kai's party, I left Bree at a friend's house where she apparently slept nearly the whole time.  So, it was a good morning and Kai had a very happy birthday.  After his party he came home to even more presents from the family.  Let's say that Kai made out quite well this year!

Happy Birthday at Glow Golf!  It was an Angry Birds party!


In the party room

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