Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Feeling Behind

The fact that tomorrow is the 1st of October has not escaped my notice. I'm feeling so behind in getting ready for this baby. Uggh!! For the most part, I feel that what is in my control has been done or is ok to wait another week or so (for example, pack the hospital bag, diaper bag, etc.). But the biggest project by far, is Kai's big boy bedroom. This so needs to be done for a couple of reasons. One, I want it done so I'm not worrying about it after the baby and feeling stressed to get it done so that we can move Kai and get the baby in the nursery. And I don't want it to be done after the fact, making Kai to feel that he's being "evicted" by baby brother. Two, I want it done so that there is another dresser in this house for Kai's clothes and clearing up the nursery dresser so I can wash the new baby clothes and get them put away.

So, that's why I want it done, but it still doesn't tell me how I'm going to get it done. Help!!

We have pretty much "finished" the paint job--thank goodness. It needs some touch ups, but it's definitely liveable and in a place where we can move on.

Here are some pictures of the work in progress....
And here's the finished product (sorry it's so dark--I closed the blinds because the sun was washing out the pictures):

So, now we need furniture, decorations, blinds, etc. Having this done would really help me feel a lot more prepared. I guess we better get back to work!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I totally understand! I've been finishing Owen's room. His bed is set up, but he has yet to sleep in it. I am feeling anxious to get him transitioned. I love the colors you have chosen for Kai's room. It really looks great! It will be fun to see what else you do! How did it get to be October already?