Friday, October 23, 2009

My 3 Boys!!

So, I am seriously outnumbered here in the Jones household, but I'm loving it! I love being the mom of 2 boys. One of these days I'll have to share how I feel about being the mom of boys, but in the meantime, I wanted to share a little about each of my boys.

First, Reid. What can I say except that he has been amazing this week! I'm really not looking forward to having him go back to work. It has been so nice to have him home and he has been a huge help to me. I love seeing him play with Kai (right now they're playing the Wii) and holding Finn. I love having help clean things up a bit and I love that he does it so willingly and is so supportive. I have a wonderful, wonderful husband.

Kai is our precious boy and always will be. He has had a bit of a tough time sharing mommy this week, but things have gotten better. We've had a few meltdowns and demands of "Momma put baby down" but today he insisted on giving Finn hugs and cuddles and told me that he loves him. Thank goodness! I have a feeling we're not done by a long shot with some of the meltdowns, but I'm so grateful that he has the vocabulary to express himself and so the meltdowns don't involve much physical violence. They're more just crying and demanding. On Monday, he spent the morning with my visiting teaching companion while Reid picked us up from the hospital. Once we got home Kai proceeded to tell me that he had slammed a door at "the other house". When I asked him why he said "I was sad". I asked why he was sad and he said "Because Momma and Daddy no come get me.". Heartbreaking, huh? But so wonderful that he could tell me. Now I just have to ask my companion if the story is true. :)

Finally there is Finn. He has been a very calm and generally easy baby this week. I know that no good thing lasts forever, but I appreciate that he has given us this calm week to ease into parenting two little guys. His nights and days are completely backwards (I don't think I could emphasize that enough) and so he has worn us out, but at least it's somewhat enjoyable. He has become a fantastic eater, which I'm hoping will help fill him out a bit. At his appointment on Wednesday he still weighed 5 pounds 14 ounces, so we have weight to gain. At least he's not going backwards.

I love my family! I love that we've had this week to be a family of 4 and to enjoy each other's company. We are looking forward to the help that's arriving tomorrow, but this week really has been wonderful.

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