Saturday, December 19, 2009

9, 9, 9!!!

Finn is 9 weeks old today!  WOW!  It's been a long, but good, 9 weeks.  In celebration, he had his 2 month well-baby check yesterday.  It was his 9th doctor's appointment.  And that's just doctor's appointments, not labs or anything else.  No wonder the 9 weeks seem to have gone so quickly.  The most exciting part of the doctor's appointment was his weight.  Finn weighed 9 pounds 1 ounce!!  Go Finn!  He gained a whole pound in just 11 days.  It's weird that we don't have to go back to the doctor until after the New Year, but it'll be a nice holiday break. He's growing so fast, I wonder how much he'll weigh at his next appointment.

Well, I don't have any pictures right now, but they'll be coming soon.  Just wanted to put up his 2 month stats.

Height--20.5 inches (2nd percentile--yes, he's on the small side)
Weight--9 pounds 1 ounce (5th percentile)
Head--I don't have the exact number right now, but it was in the 50th percentile.  So, even though he's little, he still has a big head just like his brother.


Spencer, Kami, James and Madelynn said...

YAY!!! Great job Finn!!! I am so glad to hear he is doing well.

Erica said...

Wow! That's wonderful news that he's growing well!

S J Dub-Blogger said...

I'm glad to hear he is doing better. How is mommy and daddy doing? You are doing a great job ;)