Thursday, February 14, 2013

Baby Girl

The OB that I see does complimentary 3D ultrasounds at the 28 week mark for their patients.  It's a fun time to watch the baby for a while, get some good pictures, and bring home a DVD of our appointment.  We also did a growth ultrasound today just to check on things.  I know it won't really tell us about CF or not, but it's good to check--just in case.

So, this morning we all loaded up and headed out to the OB to see baby sister.  Kai was excited to get a look, and even Finn seemed to understand a bit of what was going on.  He may actually understand that there is a baby in mommy's tummy now--maybe.

The baby measured at 29 weeks 2 days (which would put her 4 days ahead of her official May 4th due date) and has an estimated weight of 2 pounds 14 ounces.  According to the technician that's a normal size for a baby at this point, but I was surprised by how big she is.  It makes me feel a tad better about all of the weight gain.  She really is getting big and getting ready to come see us!

As at her 20 week ultrasound, she was not a fan of us looking at her.  She eventually turned her face into my back and went to sleep.  Silly girl!  But we did get a couple of good pictures of her face.  I think I see Finn in her, but maybe that's just because I watch Finn sleep more and he still has the more babyish face of the two boys.  I told my boys that I hope she looks just like them because they are super cute.  Granted, I am a bit biased, but you should have seen them this morning at the doctor.  They both wore their Mom's Super Dude shirts and really were being hams.  Everyone loved always!

Don't mind the umbilical cord draped over her shoulder  :)
  After the appointment I had a quick check in with the NP and got my Rhogam shot.  I was happy to find that everything is looking normal and I passed my glucose screen.  Wahoo!  And then I went to the receptionist and booked my remaining appointments until baby girl gets here.  We'll have another ultrasound at 36 weeks just to check position (she was head down already today) and everything else.  That falls on April 10th.  So, I guess these pictures will have to do until then!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I'm so glad you got to take a peek at her. She is a doll!