Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Date day with the Boys

On Friday the 19th Kai had a day off of school.  So, I decided to take the day and do all of the boys' favorites things with them as I am not sure when that chance is going to come again.  It was a fun and very full day.  But we managed to do just about everything they love!

We started with a trip to the dollar store where I allowed them each to pick out ten things that they wanted to see in our prize basket.  Our reward charts have been working some small miracles over here and I was more than happy to ask for their input as to the things that they would like to earn.  They enjoyed sorting through the toys and filled their baskets quickly.

Next we headed over to the mall where I did a little shopping for baby sister before we headed to the pet store.  The boys love looking at the animals there and this time was no exception.  Some puppies were even awake and bouncing around quite a bit which is their favorite part.  The last couple of times we had gone we had hit nap time, so it was fun that not everyone was sleeping!
Both boys have their fingers in the cracks of the windows so the puppies can come sniff them

Kai said this puppy was his favorite.  Go figure!

After the pet store we took a ride on the "Monkey Train".  The boys love riding around the mall in the train and listening to the kid-friendly music while we do so.  (Think Choo-Choo Soul, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, etc.)  And Finn loves waving to the people we pass!

After our trip on the Monkey Train we headed to Build-A-Bear where we used a gift card that we had gotten from a friend for Finn's birthday.  Kai helped Finn to pick out and build his creation.  We had never done that before and I was surprised by how economical it could be.  We didn't even use the entire value of the gift card!  Finn built a cute puppy that he calls "Teddy" and Kai calls "Fuzzy".

All Aboard!

This is Finn's version of smiling for the camera these days.

After Build-a-Bear we decided it was time to grab lunch.  With all of the options in the food court Kai chose Subway.  So, we got a sandwhich to share as well as some chips and I splurged on cookies for the boys.  It was a good lunch and everyone ate at least something.

Finally from there we got back in the car and headed back to Monument where we made a stop at the library.  We started by feeding the ducks (one of Finn's favorite things) and then we went in and looked for books.  After a bit of time examining our options, we came home with quite a large stack.  And we were all so tired that we sat down to read them.
The ducks see the kids coming and come out to the parking lot to meet them.

Finn is a tad greedy when it comes to handing out the food.

Kai just dumped all of his food in one spot.

Fun inside the library

What Finn does while I pick out books for him

It was a really fun day!  I would love to do it again sometime and I'm glad I got the chance to have so much fun with my boys!


Amy said...

What a fun day! And a fun mom!

Kristi said...

What a wonderful day! It looks just perfect.