Wednesday, February 19, 2014

From School

I got the following short email from the librarian at Kai's school.  She is currently teaching an extraciricular class about the Amazon Rainforest.  It meets for an hour once a week for 6 weeks.  We decided to let Kai take her class because he has been super enthusiastic about the rainforest lately, and because she was the teacher.  She has been telling me for nearly two years now (since early on in Kindergarten) how much she loves Kai.  Everytime I see her she makes sure to tell me that she loves him.  So, because she was the teacher of this class it only made sense to let Kai take it.  There are only 6 kids in the class and they meet at 7:45 on Thursday mornings (yeah, that's not so great!) and Kai loves it.  He'll even actually hurry out the door that morning.  That means something!  Anyway, I just wanted to share this email from her (her name is Angie Waldron :P).  Oh, as a side note, my mom sent Kai some poison dart frogs that used to belong to my brother Robert which explains his particular interest in those.

Mrs. Jones,
I get such a kick out of Kai.  He is so precious and full of so many interesting facts, especially about Poison Dart Frogs.  If I teach this class again he may have to come and be my assistant J  He said he is going to live in the trees of the rain forest when he is older and that I can come and visit.  Too cute!!  He has a couple of fun things to show you tonight.  Enjoy the long weekend,  Angie

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