Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Pants Story

I mentioned in my previous post that I find myself saying Kai's hilarious quite frequently these days. This story is one of those that I find hilarious.

After church on Sunday Kai is normally so exhausted that it's straight home and to bed. Normally we take his pants off before laying him down because I figure it'd be uncomfortable to be sleeping in khakis and a belt. This Sunday was no exception. He slept in a shirt and diaper with a blankie. When he woke up later one of the first things he wanted to talk about was his shirt. He'd point to his shirt and say shirt and I would say "Yes, Kai has a shirt." Then I asked, "Does Kai have pants?" At this point, Kai looked down at his bare legs, looked surprised, and then started to cry. He was so sad that there were no pants! I withheld the laughter and offered him a pair of pants, to which he responded with jumping and waving of the arms. Poor kid doesn't like to be without his pants I guess!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

That IS hilarious!