Thursday, February 28, 2013

Snow Pictures

We've had a couple of snow "events" lately.  The first brought us about 4 inches or so (that was the one that came on Wednesday evening the 20th).  The second blizzard that arrived on Sunday brought about 8 inches with some serious blowing snow.  Hence, the "blizzard".  Finally on Tuesday night we got another couple of inches (I believe) but they also came in the form of a blizzard.  It seems that everyone around here was unprepared for that one and so, unfortunately, were the roads.  With all of the snow that had been building up, melting, and refreezing, the snow on Tuesday night made the roads the worst they had been all week.  And so, after a snow day last Thursday, the school closing for heating issues on Friday, and a snow day on Monday, we were graced with another snow day on Wednesday.  We won't even talk about the fact that there is no school Friday this week either.  I think I'm hitting my breaking point.  Well, actually Tuesday I did.  Thankfully Kai had 3 hours of school on Tuesday so I could regroup.  But Finn is on steroids now, so if I'm not crying--he is.  No joke.  The kid was just sitting playing Ipad and began to cry because he had an "owwie" on his bum.  Deeeeeeepppp breath, just two more days of steroids.  I think I can, I think I can....

Anyway, to get out of the house a bit we decided to go play in the snow yesterday.  We hadn't gone out at all before because everyone had been sick and it was awfully cold.  But yesterday was one of those picture "play-in-the-snow" type days so we enjoyed it.  We found drifts that went up to my thigh in the front yard (maybe 2 feet plus) and poor Finn was scared to walk in anything that went much above his mid-shin level.  Kai wanted to build a snowman, but it seemed this snow did not want to cooperate.  Instead they dug around and hid things in it and just explored for a while.  Finn is my outdoor kid and did not want to come in, but after about an hour and half it was starting to get cold.  Maybe I'll take him out again today or tomorrow.  He sure does love it!

His sad face when I told him it was time to come in

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I'm glad you got to get out even if for a little bit. It does the soul good! Cute pictures. Love the sad face!