Monday, June 10, 2013

First Bath

Bree took her first full bath on Sunday the 26th.  I had given her several sponge baths before that (thanks to actually seeing how they do it at the hospital, it was a breeze!) as she definitely needed it.  I have never waited this long to give one of my babies a bath before but like I said, we were doing sponge baths and then we had some belly button issues.  About 3 days after her cord fell off, her belly button started to bleed.  What I think happened was that when one of her explosive dirty diapers ended with "dirty" in her button, I wiped it to get it clean.  In the process of that I must have actually wiped off some of the moist part that is left behind after the cord (that you're told not to mess with) and that irritated it and caused it to bleed.  Icck!  Anyway, she didn't really like her first bath, probably because she was tired and didn't want to be doing anything but sleeping.  But since then we've had a relatively decent bath experience (as long as she's not tired or hungry).

Her poor bleeding belly button from earlier in the month

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