Thursday, June 6, 2013

Last Day of Kindergarten

Kai's last day of Kindergarten fell on May 23rd.  On the 20th (yes in the midst of Reid's birthday craziness) there was a small awards ceremony for the students.  Every child got an award to recognize them for one of the school values that they most demonstrated.  I didn't know that they were also handing out one other award--perfect attendance.  Kai did not earn perfect attendance, but he is extremely competitive.  When he realized that others were getting an award that he was not, he broke down and had a tantrum.  And to top that off, they started the awards for everyone and he was one of the first ones up.  Good grief!  He barely went up to get his certificate before running and crying back to the arms of his teacher's aide.  I was so embarrassed!  Thankfully everyone thought he was just nervous to be in front of people, but that also didn't help me with him as his teacher and the aide coddled him and let him be the special helper for the rest of the day.  What am I going to do with this kid?!

Before the awards

Getting the award for "caring".  He sure did care--that he didn't get the other award.  Geez!
The last day of school one of the parents brought autograph dogs for everyone.  They signed them all in class.  And of course, many brought presents for the teacher.  Kai's teacher, Ms. Korte, collects beads from Brighton, so we that morning we went to the store in the Springs and Kai picked out a pretty bead for her collection.  Everyone thought it was a great gift!  (The autograph dog has become it's own drama.  Kai says he doesn't like having everyone's name on it and he wants to color over it.  Reid and I won't let him.  He's refused to allow the dog in his room since.)

I can't believe he's going to be in first grade in just a few months.  And then he'll be gone all day long!  Yikes!  I'm not sure I'm ready for that.  And at the same time, there is something about that that can be nice.  I'm hoping Finn won't start climbing the walls, though.  This last day of kindergarten Finn was crying that he missed his brother while he was at school.  He was so happy to find out that it was the last day!

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